Morning Markets in Taipei

Selling freshly caught fish in the morning marketThis is a list of some of the morning markets in Taipei. Taiwan's morning markets are ignored by most travel guide books, magazines and websites. In Taiwan, most families shop for fresh food in the morning markets two, three or even four times a week, that's how they get the freshest ingredients. Taiwanese people really care about fresh ingredients, for health and taste reasons, and because small homes don't have storage space – they want vegetables the day they are picked, noodles the day they are made, fish the day they are caught, and so on. Read more about Taipei's day markets here.

Shihlin Market
士林夜市:臺北市士林區基河路60號 日市6至14時;夜市17時至13時30分
60, JīHé Rd, Shihlin District
MRT red line, Jiantan station (note: Jiantan station is closer to the market than Shihlin Station)
Day Market 6:00am – 2:00pm, (night market 5:00pm – 1:30am)

Cheng Gong Market
成功市場:臺北市大安區四維路192巷內 上午7時30分至下午2時
Lane 192, SìWéi Rd, Da-an District, Taipei City
Near Far Eastern Hotel
7:30am – 2:00pm

Dong Men Market
東門市場:台北市信義路二段81號 上午7時至下午5時
81, Section 2, XìnYì Rd, Jhongjheng District
7:00am – 5:00pm

Nan Men Market
南門市場:羅斯福路一段8號 上午7時至晚上8時
No. 8, Section 1, Roosevelt Rd, Jhongjheng District
MRT Green line, Xiaonanmen station
7:00am – 8:00pm

Ximen Market
西門市場:台北市萬華區西寧南路177號 上午10時至下午10時
No. 177, XiNíng South Rd, Wanhua District, Taipei
MRT blue line, Ximen station
10:00am – 10:00pm

Ching Guang Market
晴光市場:臺北市中山區農安街2巷及雙城街12巷 上午9時至下午9時
Lane 2, NóngĀn St, Jhongshan District, Taipei (near Zhong Shan N Rd, Sec 3)
MRT red line, Minquan W.Rd station,

Chung Shan Market
中山市場:臺北市中山區長安西路3號 上午9時至下午3時
No. 3, ChǎngĀn West Rd, Jhongshan District (near Zhong Shan N Rd, Sec 1)
MRT red line, Zhongshan station,
9:00am – 3:00pm

Yong Ji Market
永吉市場 臺北市信義區永吉路278巷1弄30號 上午7時至下午1時
30, Alley 1, Lane 278, YǒngJí Rd, Sinyi District (near Zhong Xiao E Rd, Sec 5, Tango Hotel)
MRT blue line, Yongchun station
7:00am – 1:00pm

Yong Chun Market
永春市場:信義區 臺北市信義區松山路294號 上午7時至晚上8時
294, SōngShān Rd, Sinyi District
MRT blue line, Yongchun station
7:00am – 8:00pm

Xin Yi Market
信義市場:臺北市大安區信義路3段107號 上午7時30分至下午2時
No. 107, Section 3, XìnYì Rd, Da-an District (near Junction of Xin Yi Rd Sec 3 and Jian Guo S Rd)
7:30am – 2:00pm

Guang Fu Market
光復市場:臺北市信義區光復南路419巷146號 上午7時至下午4時
146, Lane 419, GuāngFù South Rd, Sinyi District
Near Hyatt Hotel, near corner of RenAi Rd and JiLong Rd
7:00am – 4:00pm

Tong Hua Street Market
96, LínJiāng St, Da-an District
Near Hyatt Hotel (15 minutes walk), and Far Eastern Shangri-la Hotel (15 minutes walk)

Xihu Market
285, Nèi Hú Rd Section 1, Neihu District, Taipei
The market is on the first floor of Xihu MRT station. If you're arriving at the station, you can get to the market from exit 1.
Open 5:00am – 13:00pm, Closed on Mondays

Beitou Market
30, Xīn Shì St, Beitou District, Taipei
Near to Beitou station, on the MRT red line,
Open 7:00am – 13:00pm, Closed on Mondays

This is not a complete list. There are many smaller street markets not included here.


Photos by Joyce Tay




Thank you so much for this

Thank you so much for this list! We will be moving to Taipei and I was looking for something just like this. Thanks again!

Hi Jodie, Your blog is really

Hi Jodie,

Your blog is really useful. Can you please suggest me one morning street market from your list, thx!

Sure, if you let me know

Sure, if you let me know approximately where you're staying in Taipei, I can suggest one nearby.

I will be visiting Taipei for

I will be visiting Taipei for 2 days and proceed to other part of taiwan.
I loves cooking and baking & will like to stay in a small hotel with wet market nearby.
DO you have one hotel to recommend whereby this morning wet market is nearby which we
can go for our morning breakfast and browsing?

THanks alot


Hi, your blog is great! been

Hi, your blog is great! been looking high and low for a list of morning market.

I will be going direct from Taoyuan airport. Any market near to Taipei city?

Hi Michy, You can try those

Hi Michy,

You can try those morning markets, they are easy to get to by MRT.

Dong Men Market
東門市場 台北市信義路二段81號
81, Section 2, XìnYì Rd, Jhongjheng District

7:00am – 5:00pm
Nan Men Market
南門市場 羅斯福路一段8號 
No. 8, Section 1, Roosevelt Rd, Jhongjheng District
MRT Green line, Xiaonanmen station
7:00am – 8:00pm

Hi! My hotel is in ximending,

Hi! My hotel is in ximending, which market is the closest to me?


Do you know is there any

Do you know is there any morning market near city lake hotel, neihu?

You can take the MRT Wenhu

You can take the MRT Wenhu line, there is a market in the Xihu station.



Hi Jodie, which morning

Hi Jodie, which morning market do you consider to be the best in Taipei?

Hello Jodie! Thank you for

Hello Jodie! Thank you for your sharing! It is really a useful reference.
By the way, I will be traveling to Taipei in 2 weeks time. But it is a short stay though.
I will be staying at Grand Hyatt Taipei.
May I know find out which good night market is the nearest?
Thank you very much! (^_^)

I thnk you are very close to

I thnk you are very close to this night market:

Tong Hua Street Market
通化夜市 台北市大安區臨江街96號
96, LínJiāng St, Da-an District
Near Hyatt Hotel (15 minutes walk), and Far Eastern Shangri-la Hotel (15 minutes walk)

Hey Jodie! Thank you for the

Hey Jodie! Thank you for the list, it's gonna be really useful since i'm going to Taiwan next month. I will be staying at Westgate hotel in ximending.
Can you please recommend me one night market and one day market near the hotel?

Thank youuuu ☺

Ning Xia Night Market is

Ning Xia Night Market is probably the closest proper night market. It's about 25 minutes walk or two stations north on the metro.

As for day markets, I can't actually recommend any, because I don't know the day markets in that area well, but there are some nearby, such as the Ximen Market on the list above. 

Hope you have a great stay in Taiwan

Thank for the great work.. i

Thank for the great work.. i found it very useful for my research . Do you know famous local market around Beitou,Datong,Songshan,Neihu,Nangang and Wenshan District .

you email to my personal email

Hi love your blog...I. Am

Hi love your blog...I. Am staying in les suites da-an road section 1 and would like to visit a wet market and potentially take a cooking class. I work for a Taiwanese company so I am here frequently. This trip I am here until the 24th but I work Monday through Thirdsday...

Can you recommend a wet market and maybe a good place to take a cooking class?

Many thanks

Betsy schowachert

Hi Jodie! I'm going to Taipei

Hi Jodie! I'm going to Taipei on February and I'll be traveling with my parents. Can you recommend a market which is the least crowded (around 7am) and with shops selling Taiwanese breakfast?
*I'm okay with any market as long it's not too far from the Train Station. =)

Hi Jodie! I'm going to Taipei

Hi Jodie!

I'm going to Taipei on February and I'll be traveling with my parents. Can you recommend a market which is the least crowded (around 7am) and with shops selling Taiwanese breakfast?

*I'm okay with any market as long it's not too far from the Train Station. =)

I think you can use MRT to

I think you can use MRT to get to those markets.

Dong Men Market
東門市場 台北市信義路二段81號
81, Section 2, XìnYì Rd, Jhongjheng District

7:00am – 5:00pm
Nan Men Market
南門市場 羅斯福路一段8號
No. 8, Section 1, Roosevelt Rd, Jhongjheng District
MRT Green line, Xiaonanmen station
7:00am – 8:00pm

anyone is traveling allone

anyone is traveling allone in taiwan en november 5 2015 for 3 weeks?

Just moved to Taipei, great

Just moved to Taipei, great tips

Going to wet market is my

Going to wet market is my thing during travels thanks jodie!

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